Tuesday 1 November 2016

GCSE Media Studies CD work

 Coursework Research - CD

1. Research the codes and conventions of CD Albums (what do they typically have, where and why?) Place a CD front and back image (don’t forget the spine) on a sheet and annotate. YOU HAVE DONE THE BEYONCE SHEET.

An example of a back cover annotated analysis

2. Choose a genre for own CD Cover: Pop, Rock, Hip Hop, Grime, Metal, Country, Folk, Jazz, Blues, Soul…its up to you!

3.  Do some research on the genre - Origins, characteristics, style, influences, development, major contributors (artists) and target audience.

4. When you have chosen a genre PICK 3 CD Albums from that genre to analyse. Using ‘analysis of a CD cover’ sheet to help (in your handbook) and help on the blog…Write notes on each point. A good way to do this is an annotated front and back cover. Remember to be specific and make sure you state the connotations and purpose/ effect.


CD Covers Handout

Below is the link to the CD Covers handout we used in class on Friday 7/11 

In addition go to the TAB titled 'How to complete the assignment and CD Cover'
Remember you will need to complete your research and mock ups for the next lesson

Thursday 6 October 2016

Preparing for the Media Controlled Assessment

Preparing for the Media Controlled Assessment

The analytical assignment 800-1,500 words
Compare the representation of gender in two different music videos: ‘Candy Shop’ by 50 Cent and ‘Playing God’ by Paramore. 

       Although they can vary….(one paragraph)
       State what you are going to do in the essay – few short clear sentences. Finally tell the reader what you are going to argue or conclude.
       What else could you include?
Major part in your essay
       Typically 3 or 4 points of discussion (though can vary)
       For each point explain clearly your point, showing how this line of essay directly addresses the essay title
       You will tell me the representation through the use of -
Camera shot size/ angle, Mise en scene – Props/ lighting/ costume/ hair/ makeup/ Characters/ positioning, Editing, Sound – Any diegetic sounds? Genre conventions – Music Video, Hip Hop, Rock
Paragraphs - ‘Main point, plus supporting evidence and conclusion’ structure. State the main point that you are making at the start of the paragraph (representation of men as dominant/ powerful and this is stereotypical/ anti-stereotypical) ; then give your evidence (textual analysis/ where and when) and/ or reasoning in support of the point (Connotations)and refer back to the main point again as you conclude your paragraph (Why – eg. It appeals to target audience) .
       Brief and to the point, no more than a paragraph in length.
       Think about similarities/ differences between the two.
       Aim to summarize your essay by gathering the most important of the points that you have made. This summery can then be used to justify your main argument conclusion.

Things to include

       Narrative (how the story is told)- use of flashbacks/ dream/ linear (in order)
       Target Audience (who it is aimed at)
       Background of artist
       Conventions of Genre (Hip Hop/ Indie rock) and conventions of music videos generlly
       Personal Response (your own thoughts) 
       Representation analysis (in this case - Gender)
       Screen ‘grabs’.

       Why – dominant ideologies/ target audience/ convention of genre/ music video/ links to research/ intertextuality/ from different perspectives

Music Video conventions
Amplifyingemphasise the ideas rather than completely straying from the meaning
Illustrative – literally depict/ literal meaning
Contradicting - It’s something thats completley different and random compared to the song.

Music Video convention
1. Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics (e.g. Stage performances in metal videos, dance routines for boy/girl bands)
2. There is a relationship between the lyrics and the visuals (Either illustrative, amplifying or contradicting)
3. There is a relationship between the music and the visuals (Either illustrative, amplifying or contradicting)
4. The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close-ups of the artist and the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work (e.g. A visual style)
5. There are frequent references to the notion of looking (screens within screens, telescopes, etc) and particularly voyeuristic (sexual) treatment of the female body
6. There is often intertextual references (to films, TV programmes, other music videos, etc)
7. Whether the video is primarily performance-based, narrative-based or concept-based and how element of each is used in it