The Exam: Action Adventure Films

The exam is in January and Section 'A' will feature unseen footage of an action adventure film you will be required to comment upon using media concepts and appropriate terminology.  Section 'B' will be one question about the Institution and Audience factors in Television and Radio Comedy.  

Section 'A' = Three questions on the clip - 50 marks  
Section 'B' = One question - 30 marks 

The whole exam is 1 hour 45 mins long.    

Here's a video explaining the points you need to know and write about in your response in the exam:  

You might  find it useful to have a good knowledge of Action Adventure film posters so you can understand how a specific target audience is attracted to the film.  Note the terminology used and apply it to any exam question on this subject:

Tempo - the speed of change

How might the edit change in tempo in a trailer?  

Narrative - Todorov - does it build to a climax?
Sound     - Diegetic/Non-diegetic?  How is it used?
Lighting   - Low key/High key? Natural - Effect?

(Genre) What makes it a thriller?

Isolated hero
Urban location
A conspiracy is present
Violence is a key feature
Suspense and mystery
The hero is the only one who can solve it
Rational not supernatural explanation

North by Northwest

Observe the you tube clip above from the film North By Northwest and consider how suspense is achieved through the use of the following:  

Camera techniques
ELS, CU, ECU - what is the effect?
Pan, zoom, tracking shot.

Tempo?  cuts, fades, wipes?

Diegetic, non diegetic?  Soudtrack?  Mood conveyed?

Equilibrium?  Disruption?  Mystery?  

Low key, high key, what is the effect?

Consider Hitchcock's views on the making of the scene; what does it reveal about the process? (partly in French).

Homework for 5 Nov:  

Write an essay that considers how suspense is achieved throughout the cropduster scene North by Northwest; consider camera, sound, lighting and how the conventions of Thriller are applied.  

600 words (printed if possible)

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